Resource | Link |
Website | |
GitHub page | |
Getting Started Guide | |
Spoon Plugin Documentation | |
Official Spoon repository | |
Discord server | |
Mailing list |!forum/hammerspoon/ |
LuaSkin API docs | |
AClock | Just another clock, floating above all. |
AllBrightness | Listens for keyboard brightness keypresses and alters brightness on all supported displays. |
AppLauncher | Simple spoon for launching apps with single letter hotkeys. |
AppWindowSwitcher | macOS application aware, keyboard driven window switcher. Spoon |
ArrangeDesktop | Easily create, save, and use desktop arrangements. |
Asana | Simple spoon that creates a new task in Asana with a given name in a given workspace. |
AutoMuteOnSleep | Automatically set to 0 the volume of all output audio devices except Bluetooth devices when Mac goes to sleep. |
BingDaily | Use Bing daily picture as your wallpaper, automatically. |
BonjourLauncher | List advertised services on your network that match defined templates and provide a list for the user to access them. | | Sample recipes for various service types that you can use with the BonjourLauncher spoon. |
BrewInfo | Display pop-up with Homebrew Formula info, or open their URL |
Caffeine | Prevent the screen from going to sleep |
Calendar | A calendar inset into the desktop |
Cherry | Cherry tomato (a tiny Pomodoro) -- a Pomodoro Timer for the menubar |
CircleClock | A circleclock inset into the desktop |
ClipboardTool | Keep a history of the clipboard for text entries and manage the entries with a context menu |
ClipShow | Show the content of system clipboard |
ColorPicker | Show a color sample/picker |
Commander | This spoon lets execute commands from other spoon by a chooser. |
CountDown | Countdown with visual indicator |
DeepLTranslate | Show a popup window with the translation of the currently selected text |
EjectMenu | A much-needed eject menu for your Mac menu bar. Allows ejecting |
EmmyLua | Thie plugin generates EmmyLua annotations for Hammerspoon and any installed Spoons |
Emojis | Let users choose emojis by name/keyword |
EvernoteOpenAndTag | Add some missing hotkeys for opening a note in Evernote, and for common tag sets |
FadeLogo | Show a fading-and-zooming image in the center of the screen |
FnMate | Use Fn + |
ForceTouchMapper | Maps force touch clicks in specified apps to a hot key |
HCalendar | A horizonal calendar inset into the desktop |
HeadphoneAutoPause | Play/pause music players when headphones are connected/disconnected |
HighSierraiTunesMediaFix | Override High Sierra behaviour and send all media keys (play/prev/next) to iTunes |
HoldToQuit | Instead of pressing ⌘Q, hold ⌘Q to close applications. |
HSaria2 | Communicate with aria2, an interactive panel included. |
HSearch | Hammerspoon Search |
HSKeybindings | Display Keybindings registered with bindHotkeys() and Spoons |
InputMethodIndicator | Show input method indicator in the current mouse position. |
InputSourceSwitch | Automatically switch the input source when switching applications. |
Keychain | Get and Add items from Keychain. Provides no hotkeys and maintains no state |
KSheet | Keybindings cheatsheet for current application |
Leanpub | Spoon to track and notify about Leanpub builds. |
LeftRightHotkey | This spoon addresses a limitation within the hs.hotkey module that allows the creation of hotkeys bound to specific left or right keyboard modifiers while leaving the other side free. |
LookupSelection | Show a popup window with the currently selected word in lexicon, notes, online help |
MenubarFlag | Color the menubar according to the current keyboard layout |
MicMute | Microphone Mute Toggle and status indicator |
MiddleClickDragScroll | Allows scrolling by holding down the middle mouse button and dragging it, the same as it works on Windows. |
MiroWindowsManager | With this script you will be able to move the window in halves and in corners using your keyboard and mainly using arrows. You would also be able to resize them by thirds, quarters, or halves. |
ModalMgr | Modal keybindings environment management. Just an wrapper of |
MountedVolumes | Displays a list of mounted volumes and a pie chart for each indicating free space on the desktop |
MouseCircle | Draws a circle around the mouse pointer when a hotkey is pressed |
MouseFollowsFocus | Set the mouse pointer to the center of the focused window whenever focus changes. |
MoveSpaces | Move window to the space to the right or left |
MusicAppMediaFix | Override macOS behaviour and send all media keys (play/prev/next) to |
OBS | Control OBS and react to its events, via the obs-websocket plugin. |
PaperWM | A scrolling window manager. Inspired by PaperWM Gnome extension. |
PasswordGenerator | Generate a password and copy to the clipboard. |
Pastebin | Send clipboard contents to Pastebin |
PersonalHotspot | Connect, disconnect, or toggle connection to/from a personal hotspot. Optionally kills/opens a list of apps on connect/disconnect respectively. |
PopupTranslateSelection | Show a popup window with the translation of the currently selected (or other) text |
PushToTalk | Implements push-to-talk and push-to-mute functionality with |
RecursiveBinder | A spoon that let you bind sequential bindings. |
ReloadConfiguration | Adds a hotkey to reload the hammerspoon configuration, and a pathwatcher to automatically reload on changes. |
RoundedCorners | Give your screens rounded corners |
Seal | Pluggable launch bar |
Seal.plugins | Various APIs for Seal plugins |
Seal.plugins.apps | A plugin to add launchable apps/scripts, making Seal act as a launch bar |
Seal.plugins.filesearch | A plugin to add file search capabilities, making Seal act as a spotlight file search |
Seal.plugins.pasteboard | Visual, searchable pasteboard (ie clipboard) history |
Seal.plugins.safari_bookmarks | |
Seal.plugins.screencapture | A plugin to capture the screen in various ways |
Seal.plugins.urlformats | A plugin to quickly open URLs containing a search/query term |
Seal.plugins.useractions | Allow accessing user-defined bookmarks and arbitrary actions from Seal. |
SendToOmniFocus | Handles "send current item to OmniFocus" for multiple applications |
Shade | Creates a semitransparent overlay to reduce screen brightness. |
SleepCorners | Trigger or prevent screen saver/sleep by moving your mouse pointer to specified hot corners on your screen. |
SpeedMenu | Menubar netspeed meter |
SpoonInstall | Install and manage Spoons and Spoon repositories |
TextClipboardHistory | Keep a history of the clipboard, only for text entries |
TimeFlow | A widget showing time flown in one year. |
TimeMachineProgress | Show Time Machine backup progress in a menubar indicator. |
ToggleScreenRotation | Toggle rotation on external screens |
ToggleSkypeMute | Provide keybindings for muting/unmuting Skype or Skype for Business |
Token | generate google authenticator token value keystrokes |
Tunnelblick | connect to a Tunnelblick OpenVPN connection using a shortcut |
TurboBoost | A spoon to load/unload the Turbo Boost Disable kernel extension |
UniversalArchive | Handle "archive current item" for multiple applications using the same hotkey |
UnsplashRandom | Automatically sets a random Unsplash image as your wallpaper daily. |
UnsplashZ | Use unsplash images as wallpaper |
URLDispatcher | Route URLs to different applications with pattern matching |
USBDeviceActions | Open/close apps or run an arbitrary function when a USB device is connected/disconnected. |
VolumeScroll | Use mouse scroll wheel and modifiers to adjust volume. |
WifiNotifier | Receive notifications every time your wifi network changes. |
WiFiTransitions | Allow arbitrary actions when transitioning between SSIDs |
WindowGrid | Configure and assign hotkey for |
WindowHalfsAndThirds | Simple window movement and resizing, focusing on half- and third-of-screen sizes |
WindowScreenLeftAndRight | Move windows to other screens |
WindowSigils | Assign every window and empty rectangle a sigil for quick access. |
WinWin | Windows manipulation |
ZeroOffset | Display UTC time in the menu bar |