docs » hs.location

Determine the machine's location and useful information about that location

This module provides functions for getting current location information and tracking location changes. It expands on the earlier version of the module by adding the ability to create independent locationObjects which can enable/disable location tracking independent of other uses of Location Services by Hammerspoon, adds region monitoring for exit and entry, and adds the retrieval of geocoding information through the hs.location.geocoder submodule.

This module is backwards compatible with its predecessor with the following changes:

The following labels are used to describe tables which are used by functions and methods as parameters or return values in this module and in hs.location.geocoder. These tables are described as follows:


API Overview

API Documentation


Signature hs.location.authorizationStatus() -> string
Type Function

Returns a string describing the authorization status of Hammerspoon's use of Location Services.

  • None
  • a string matching one of the following:
    • "undefined" - The user has not yet made a choice regarding whether Hammerspoon can use location services.
    • "restricted" - Hammerspoon is not authorized to use location services. The user cannot change this status, possibly due to active restrictions such as parental controls being in place.
    • "denied" - The user explicitly denied the use of location services for Hammerspoon or location services are currently disabled in System Preferences.
    • "authorized" - Hammerspoon is authorized to use location services.
  • The first time you use a function which requires Location Services, you will be prompted to grant Hammerspoon access. If you wish to change this permission after the initial prompt, you may do so from the Location Services section of the Security & Privacy section in the System Preferences application.
Source extensions/location/liblocation.m line 207
Signature hs.location.distance(from, to) -> meters
Type Function

Measures the distance between two points of latitude and longitude

  • from - A locationTable as described in the module header
  • to - A locationTable as described in the module header
  • A number containing the distance between from and to in meters. The measurement is made by tracing a line that follows an idealised curvature of the earth
  • This function does not require Location Services to be enabled for Hammerspoon.
Source extensions/location/liblocation.m line 245
Signature hs.location.dstOffset() -> number
Type Function

Returns a number giving the current daylight savings time offset

  • None
  • The number of minutes of daylight savings offset, zero if there is no offset
  • This value is derived from the currently configured system timezone, it does not use Location Services
Source extensions/location/liblocation.m line 307
Signature hs.location.get() -> locationTable or nil
Type Function

Returns a table representing the current location

  • None
  • If successful, a locationTable as described in the module header, otherwise nil.
  • This function activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
  • If access to Location Services is enabled for Hammerspoon, this function will return the most recent cached data for the computer's location.
    • Internally, the Location Services cache is updated whenever additional WiFi networks are detected or lost (not necessarily joined). When update tracking is enabled with the hs.location.start function, calculations based upon the RSSI of all currently seen networks are preformed more often to provide a more precise fix, but it's still based on the WiFi networks near you.
Source extensions/location/liblocation.m line 282
Signature hs.location.register(tag, fn[, distance])
Type Function

Registers a callback function to be called when the system location is updated

  • tag - A string containing a unique tag, used to identify the callback later
  • fn - A function to be called when the system location is updated. The function should expect a single argument which will be a locationTable as described in the module header.
  • distance - An optional number containing the minimum distance in meters that the system should have moved, before calling the callback. Defaults to 0
  • None
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 139
Signature hs.location.servicesEnabled() -> bool
Type Function

Gets the state of OS X Location Services

  • None
  • True if Location Services are enabled, otherwise false
Source extensions/location/liblocation.m line 192
Signature hs.location.start() -> boolean
Type Function

Begins location tracking using OS X's Location Services so that registered callback functions can be invoked as the computer location changes.

  • None
  • True if the operation succeeded, otherwise false
  • This function activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 179
Signature hs.location.stop()
Type Function

Stops location tracking. Registered callback functions will cease to receive notification of location changes.

  • None
  • None
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 201
Signature hs.location.sunrise(latitude, longitude, offset[, date]) -> number or string
Type Function

Returns the time of official sunrise for the supplied location

  • latitude - A number containing a latitude
  • longitude - A number containing a longitude
  • offset - A number containing the offset from UTC (in hours) for the given latitude/longitude.
  • date - An optional table containing date information (equivalent to the output of"*t")). Defaults to the current date
  • A number containing the time of sunrise (represented as seconds since the epoch) for the given date. If no date is given, the current date is used. If the sun doesn't rise on the given day, the string "N/R" is returned.
  • You can turn the return value into a more useful structure, with"*t", returnvalue)
  • For compatibility with the locationTable object returned by hs.location.get, this function can also be invoked as hs.location.sunrise(locationTable, offset[, date]).
Source extensions/location/liblocation.m line 503
Signature hs.location.sunset(latitude, longitude, offset[, date]) -> number or string
Type Function

Returns the time of official sunset for the supplied location

  • latitude - A number containing a latitude
  • longitude - A number containing a longitude
  • offset - A number containing the offset from UTC (in hours) for the given latitude/longitude.
  • date - An optional table containing date information (equivalent to the output of"*t")). Defaults to the current date
  • A number containing the time of sunset (represented as seconds since the epoch) for the given date. If no date is given, the current date is used. If the sun doesn't set on the given day, the string "N/S" is returned.
  • You can turn the return value into a more useful structure, with"*t", returnvalue)
  • For compatibility with the locationTable object returned by hs.location.get, this function can also be invoked as hs.location.sunset(locationTable, offset[, date]).
Source extensions/location/liblocation.m line 526
Signature hs.location.unregister(tag)
Type Function

Unregisters a callback

  • tag - A string containing the unique tag a callback was registered with
  • None
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 166


Signature -> locationObject
Type Constructor

Create a new location object which can receive callbacks independent of other Hammerspoon use of Location Services.

  • None
  • a locationObject
  • The locationObject created will receive callbacks independent of all other locationObjects and the legacy callback functions created with hs.location.register. It can also receive callbacks for region changes which are not available through the legacy callback mechanism.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 221


Signature hs.location:addMonitoredRegion(regionTable) -> locationObject | nil
Type Method

Adds a region to be monitored by Location Services

  • regionTable - a region table as described in the module header
  • if the region table was able to be added to Location Services for monitoring, returns the locationObject; otherwise returns nil
  • This method activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
  • If the identifier key is not provided, a new UUID string is generated and used as the identifier.
  • If the identifier key matches an already monitored region, this region will replace the existing one.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 358
Signature hs.location:callback(fn) -> locationObject
Type Method

Sets or removes the callback function for this locationObject

  • a function, or nil to remove the current function, which will be invoked as a callback for messages generated by this locationObject. The callback function should expect 3 or 4 arguments as follows:
    • the locationObject itself
    • a string specifying the message generated by the locationObject: * "didChangeAuthorizationStatus" - the user has changed the authorization status for Hammerspoon's use of Location Services. The third argument will be a string as described in the hs.location.authorizationStatus function. * "didUpdateLocations" - the current location has changed or been refined. This message will only occur if location tracking has been enabled with hs.location:startTracking. The third argument will be a table containing one or more locationTables as array elements. The most recent location update is contained in the last element of the array. * "didFailWithError" - there was an error retrieving location information. The third argument will be a string describing the error that occurred. * "didStartMonitoringForRegion" - a new region has successfully been added to the regions being monitored. The third argument will be the regionTable for the region which was just added. * "monitoringDidFailForRegion" - an error occurred while trying to add a new region to the list of monitored regions. The third argument will be the regionTable for the region that could not be added, and the fourth argument will be a string containing an error message describing why monitoring for the region failed. * "didEnterRegion" - the current location has entered a region with the notifyOnEntry field set to true specified with the hs.location:addMonitoredRegion method. The third argument will be the regionTable for the region entered. * "didExitRegion" - the current location has exited a region with the notifyOnExit field set to true specified with the hs.location:addMonitoredRegion method. The third argument will be the regionTable for the region exited.
  • the locationObject
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 461
Signature hs.location:currentRegion() -> identifier | nil
Type Method

Returns the string identifier for the current region

  • None
  • the string identifier for the region that the current location is within, or nil if the current location is not within a currently monitored region or location services cannot be enabled for Hammerspoon.
  • This method activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 436
Signature hs.location:distanceFrom(locationTable) -> distance | nil
Type Method

Enable callbacks for location changes/refinements for this locationObject

  • None
  • the distance the specified location is from the current location in meters or nil if Location Services cannot be enabled for Hammerspoon. The measurement is made by tracing a line that follows an idealised curvature of the earth
  • This function activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 300
Signature hs.location:location() -> locationTable | nil
Type Method

Returns the current location

  • None
  • If successful, a locationTable as described in the module header, otherwise nil.
  • This function activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
  • If access to Location Services is enabled for Hammerspoon, this function will return the most recent cached data for the computer's location.
    • Internally, the Location Services cache is updated whenever additional WiFi networks are detected or lost (not necessarily joined). When update tracking is enabled with the hs.location.start function, calculations based upon the RSSI of all currently seen networks are preformed more often to provide a more precise fix, but it's still based on the WiFi networks near you.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 495
Signature hs.location:monitoredRegions() -> table | nil
Type Method

Returns a table containing the regionTables for the regions currently being monitored for this locationObject

  • None
  • if Location Services can be enabled for Hammerspoon, returns a table containing regionTables for each region which is being monitored for this locationObject; otherwise nil
  • This method activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 321
Signature hs.location:removeMonitoredRegion(identifier) -> locationObject | false | nil
Type Method

Removes a monitored region from Location Services

  • identifier - a string which should contain the identifier of the region to remove from monitoring
  • if the region identifier matches a currently monitored region, returns the locationObject; if it does not match a currently monitored region, returns false; returns nil if an error occurs or if Location Services is not currently active (no function or method which activates Location Services has been invoked yet) or enabled for Hammerspoon.
  • This method activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
  • If the identifier key is not provided, a new UUID string is generated and used as the identifier.
  • If the identifier key matches an already monitored region, this region will replace the existing one.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 406
Signature hs.location:startTracking() -> locationObject
Type Method

Enable callbacks for location changes/refinements for this locationObject

  • None
  • the locationObject
  • This function activates Location Services for Hammerspoon, so the first time you call this, you may be prompted to authorise Hammerspoon to use Location Services.
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 260
Signature hs.location:stopTracking() -> locationObject
Type Method

Disable callbacks for location changes/refinements for this locationObject

  • None
  • the locationObject
Source extensions/location/location.lua line 281